1.17 Test survival is here
1 minute read

As we are in the process of slowly but surely transitioning all our servers from 1.16.x to 1.17.
we are carrying out a test survival server to give a test drive on bleeding edge build (unstable builds) of server software (Paper)
As many of you know, 1.17 server forks are yet to get stable and be production ready, so this test is much needed
Your contribution in this is greately appreciated.
Claims are present in the server to avoid griefing
You will be able to join with any client version from 1.9 - 1.17 (Join with 1.17 to use all the new blocks and also recommended)
Once the test is complete, the server will be wiped off (Will provide the map download 😉)
Report all the bugs in #server-support or Bug report
As always. Have fun testing